Products & Services

Did You Know?

Did You Know? is one of the most popular informational tidbit services in the market, dedicated to providing only the most interesting and intriguing stories to its patrons on a regular basis. Our unique plethora of facts provides people from around the world the joy of learning something new and, just maybe, the satisfaction of having already known. Whether you use Did You Know? for personal enjoyment or to quiz your knowledge, there is no way to not have fun with our service!

Ospiro Flags

Ospiro Flags is one of Ospiro’s most popular products, and for a good reason, too: the flags of over 200 nations are on offer, each for only $1. For the price of a small cup of coffee, you could have a 7.87 by 5.51″ polyester flag from nearly any country in the world. Each flag is equipped with a small tube at the hoist end for ease of display. Additionally, every single flag is of the same aspect ratio, facilitating beauty when a number of our flag products are displayed together.

Ospiro Games

Ospiro Games is the premier entertainment subsidiary of Ospiro. Ospiro Games stands as one of Ospiro’s proudest offerings, with its origins spanning as far back as the creation of the company. At the time, Ospiro Games primarily worked on Dac, Inc., a choose-your-own adventure game which was ultimately put on indefinite hold. Since then, Ospiro Games has continued to work on innovative and entertaining new games including Allways, Nuke., and Forge of Nations.

Ospiro Web Services

Ospiro Web Services is the Ospiro subsidiary that assists people and organizations in building their presence online. OWS has seen striking successes with past clients, casting them into the limelight in a manner that cannot be beaten by conventional advertising. Through our detailed seven point plan for web penetration, it is almost certain that OWS will be able to make your product the belle of the ball.

Ospiro Cares

Ospiro Cares is Ospiro’s associated non-profit organization which is dedicated to promoting important causes for the improvement of society. Through informational campaigns, public service announcements, and regulatory bodies, Ospiro Cares promotes positive habits, lifestyles, and practices which are beneficial for the long-term health of the nation and the world.

Ospiro Reclamations

Ospiro Reclamations is Ospiro’s subsidiary dedicated to re-purposing unwanted materials from within and without the company. By taking on this refuse, Ospiro is able to turn one man’s trash into our own treasure. Our effective techniques allow us to make a profit while simultaneously removing waste from society, a veritable win-win for all parties involved.


Ospiro Foods (formerly McCarthy Culanary-Agricultural [sic]) may have sold run-of-the-mill smoothies before, but be prepared for a totally revamped drinking experience with H2Ospiro. This refreshing and delicious beverage replenishes you with the water and salts you lose during a heavy workout, and helps you go the extra mile. Whatever goal you’re perspiring for, Ospiro is with you every step of the way with H2Ospiro. Our secret? Let’s just say the tears of corporations make an excellent energy drink.

Ospiro Apparel

Ospiro Apparel offers a variety of interesting shirt designs manufactured by Teespring. Our shirts all send a clear, aesthetically pleasing message without hitting your wallet too hard. Show off your patriotism with one of our popular America-themed tees. You can even buy Ospiro-themed merchandise at highly discounted prices.

Auto CCM

Auto CCM is a tool that streamlines formatting in CAS-ILE, an interactive learning environment that is used by University of Illinois Netmath students. With Ospiro’s simple Chrome extension, the tedious process of formatting math in CAS-ILE is a breeze.

Auto CCM is not associated with, nor endorsed by, the University of Illinois. “NetMath” and “CAS-ILE” are registered trademarks of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.

Daily Place Fix

Each and every day of the year, Daily Place Fix (@dailyplacefix) shares a place of the day with the world. In service since May 2020, Daily Place Fix promotes cultural understanding through its regular updates on every nook and cranny of the globe.


Goodbye ugly Montserrat uppercase G’s! With Ospiro’s font Gontserrat, you can enjoy all the good parts of Montserrat without any of the naked G’s. Gontserrat is identical to Montserrat in every way except that the capital G’s have been given a horizontal crossbar to complete their look.